
Tuesday, 6 November 2012

DIY: Ankara Fabric Covered Notepads

Hello all! It HAS been a while right? Yeah I know…. However, I happened to whip up a DIY which would take less than 20 minutes on the average (well, if we exclude waiting for the glue to dry out, lol!)
So this DIY is about wraps – wrapping up our notebooks (not the ones with keypads and wires and circuit boards and things but the ones with paper, and a cover? Those ones) So having said that, let’s get to it shall we?

See updated post on making this notepad with a closure snap( kinda like a clutch) here :

more on the other side

What would you need?
A Notepad




A Pair Of Scissors

Bias Trimming (You could however use lace trimming, or ribbons)

Brush to spread out the glue evenly 


Spread out the notepad on the fabric. Trim out just enough so that what you have left can cover up the insides of the cover neatly.

With your scissors, cut out two lines at the margin (DO NOT trim the dangling piece off!)

Apply the glue and spread out the glue evenly without changing the position of the book.(please! whatever you do, DO NOT apply too much or too little glue! if you apply too much, you'll have the glue peeking through your fabric after you're done - not a pretty sight. Plus, if you do not spread out evenly, you'll encounter little 'glue bumps on the road')

Bend the book over firmly, and press onto the fabric. I began with the left-hand side of the book.

Apply some more glue on the inside cover: top, bottom and side and simply firmly drag, fold over and press the fabric onto the inside cover of the book.

With your bias trimming/lace/ribbon, cover up the rough edges of the 'fold'

Do same for the right - hand side of the book and this is what you'll have (notice the dangling pieces I asked you not to trim off?)

With a sharp object (I used a machine needle), tuck in the 'dangling pieces at the margin inwards after applying a little glue to the margin top with a toothpick or something.)

And this is what you'll have:

There! our more exciting notepad. (at least to me it is :-) )

facebook: that's sew naija


  1. Can I say you're a genius?!?!?!

    Saw a link to your blog on Bella Naija and came to check it out! I had to follow you IMMEDIATELY! Gawsh, you're so creative and you make me feel like a slacker cos I learned how to make beads for NYSC and I've largely stopped using my skills. You're an inspiration - I must make something before the week ends!

  2. *blushing* thanks a lot fore stopping by! Visited ur blog lastweek, reall cool! Would def follow back :-) please post pics when u do and I'll share 'em here ok?

  3. Oh wow...this is pretty neat!! Good work! Trying may hands on all [well some] things Ankara myself. Let's see where this all goes :)

    Cool Blog!!

  4. Hello Kwale! Thanks lots. Love what your doing on ur blog !

  5. Came here from bellanaija. Awesome blog U hv here. I bought an ankara notebook from dealdey for 1k recently and my friends didn't allow me hear the last of it, dt I had been ripped off. Well, thanks to you I can make one now. I'm so bookmarking your blog. Thumbs up

  6. Thnx anonymous! Well, d@ wasn't really a rip off as u can get a hard back notepad @ about 350naira-500naira :-) thanks for bookmarking my blog, althoug t'would be easier to 'follow' so u get alerts whenever there is a new post. Watch out for a follow up post on ankara notepads for wire bound notepads.

  7. Love it !! I hardly use notebook these days but I love the idea.

  8. pls make a post on button earrings.

  9. Wow! I love this.
    Need to make one myself ASAP.
    i hope it is as easy as it seems.

  10. @cia-it is fun to use though!
    @anon- would keep u 'posted'
    @onyinye- it is, u'll know when u begin :-)

  11. Wow!u r a genius,can't wait to try it out

  12. Tnx sweets I love u ooooo

  13. Nice one girl.. love your blog aand i'll always be visiting. Do stop by mine i have a DIY page and would love to feature you. Let me know if you cool.

  14. This is a nice post. Thank you for sharing. This is my great pleasure to visit your website.


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