
Wednesday, 28 November 2012

DIY - How To Turn An Earring Into A Brooch

Hello guys! Had such a looooong and tiring day but it does feel good to be here after it all. Tonight i'll be sharing a quick and easy DIY I created over the weekend, (hope i don't fall asleep while posting, lol!) 
So I got this neck piece along with a pair earrings some two weeks back and looking at the earrings, for some reason I decided I wasn't going to wear them but turn them into brooches (please don't ask me why! :-))

more on the other side...

Sunday, 25 November 2012

Oh Time! Where Have Ye Gone?

Here’s how you create a statement ‘bracelet’ in an instant… so less talk, more pics *grin*

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Guess Who's Got A Magazine Article?!

So I got a weekly article on and as a result of that, have been ecstatic for the past couple of days. For those of you who haven't visited the site yet, it is a media, fashion/style,entertainment (and looots more) online magazine and really popular I must say. My weekly article is a fashion/lifestyle DIY one (of course) and while it is so great to think about, I began wondering how I'd juggle creating DIYs for the magazine as well for you guys over here on my blog! I can't even keep up with regular posting! eeeesh! Anyways,  I wont fret. Its a challenge. God would see me through it all. I know. :-)
I'm posting before and after pics of my first DIY on the magazine, to read the whole article, please click on this link: 

Sunday, 18 November 2012

So...What's In a Name?

So I decided to tag this post the way I did because I am having a bit of a name 'dilemma' at the moment and thought to write about it and seek you opinion on it as I wouldn't want to go it alone :-)
Now it all began with a thread (That's Sew Naija)I created on a popular Nigerian forum
<more after the jump>

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

DIY: Ankara Fabric Covered Notepads

Hello all! It HAS been a while right? Yeah I know…. However, I happened to whip up a DIY which would take less than 20 minutes on the average (well, if we exclude waiting for the glue to dry out, lol!)
So this DIY is about wraps – wrapping up our notebooks (not the ones with keypads and wires and circuit boards and things but the ones with paper, and a cover? Those ones) So having said that, let’s get to it shall we?

See updated post on making this notepad with a closure snap( kinda like a clutch) here :

more on the other side