
Saturday, 11 January 2014

Virus Scare!

What a way to begin a new year! I'm horrified to say the least! My files recently got attacked by a computer virus causing me to loose my photos and a few posts I was yet to schedule. When it happened, I could just punch a wall in anger! I want to apologise and ask your permission to rename the ongoing  'wrapper blouse tutorial' as 'Tube Top Tutorial with Fusible Bust Pad' since that's where we left off and redo a wrapper blouse tutorial subsequently.
Also, since I've obviously lost my pics, I'll retake fresh photos for fabric Friday and post it as well.
Have a swell Saturday night, while I go n nurse my wounds :-(

Photo credit: 


  1. oh o, that's so sad sorry about that

  2. so sorry dear, the same thing happened to me, i havent been able to get over it. dont worry dear, just start allover, this time bigger and better


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