
Tuesday, 4 December 2012

DIY Ankara Fabric Bangles 2: Smaller Bangles

Hello all! hope you had a great weekend?  So here's the deal, it's 5 am-ish and I just had to do this quick post before rushing off to begin my day. If you are a regular visitor to this blog, you would know that I posted a previous DIY on ankara fabric bangles albeit a big bangle and so promised a diy on smaller bangles so here it is.( I hope my ankara DIYs aren't becoming 'too much' it's just what readers require the most when they write in lol!) 
you can read all about my previous bangle post on here

more on the other side....


Tape Measure

Bangle (plastic or wooden)

Fabric Glue

Ribbon for finishing


Cut your fabric on the bias (you can see how to from my previous bangle post), fold and iron. When you are done you should have about and inch of fabric in width.

Cut a wider strip on the bias a second time, and 'cover' the bangle with it by first spreading glue all ver the bangle. (see how to on the previous bangle post) Then spread glue all over it. This is done to add volume/thickness to the bangle and is really optional.

wrap up the bangle with a tape measure to determine the length of fabric you'll need to wrap up your bangle. This can be done when cutting the fabric strip to fold so you don't waste fabric, or cut your fabric too short and begin gluing scraps.

With the glue still wet, wrap u the bangle with your long strip of folded fabric.

and you should have this:


Now for 'non-wrapped' fabric bangles(note this is also a smaller bangle, this procedure always comes out neater than the wrapped version cos all you see is smooth fabric.)
follow the same procedure of gluing a bias strip.

cut yet another bias strip and cover the already wrapped bangle with it. (note that it is optional to 'double wrap' you can skip the first step or should I say first wrap)

 Trim off the excess...

secure the insides with glue

finish off by gluing a ribbon onto the insides.

 and this is what you'll have:

that's all folks!

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  1. Nice one,big tnx to u,God bless u

  2. Nice one onnari,pls can I also use UHU gum in place of the E6000, thankz

  3. Sure u can, I use e6000 and/UHU, u can also use Mod Podge

  4. Ok,tankz a lot though I don't know where to get mod podge, do U̶̲̥̅̊ know where I can get it...thankz alot

  5. Check Artworld @ ojuelegba, or other art shops or the malls. Other options r: UHU and E6000


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